Thursday 14 November 2019


Are you still thinking of what biz will change your financial situation, partner with my organization & get paid at least #150 000 daily! Ask Me How?


The organization (C21FG) is for interested individuals only but the process is strictly based on selection. This opportunity is for you if:

1. You would prefer to be in business for yourself other than work for someone else.

2. You have any business or project that needs funding.

3. You have a desired capital you want to raise to get that business/project fully started/funded.

4. You will spare some time off your busy schedule to honor an invitation if a VIP reservation is made for you to view the detail of this opportunity.

5. You are serious about making money and you are willing to put in the efforts to reach your goals.

Now, try to answer the following questions within yourself...

This is November already, what would you describe your 2019 to be?

Amazing? Manageable? Tough? Horrible?

What were your financial expectations?

Did you meet those expectations? What was your success percentage so far? - 100%? Less than 100%? Less than 50%? Nothing to show for it?

Which factors affected your achievements? 
Lack of required knowledge?
A result of things you did? 
What about things you didn't do?

Did you miss any opportunity that could have turned things around for you?

Do you have any regrets? If you have another chance to make amendments, would you do something better this year?

An inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of Intention!

Stop Wishing and Wanting and START TAKING ACTION...

The real QUESTION is how can you build a business that creates leveraged passive income without requiring a lot of time, money, employees or special expertise?

The author of several financial books (Robert Kiyosaki) said "The reason that most people struggle financially is that they learn to work hard for their money BUT never learn the PRINCIPLES of WEALTH CREATION...

Some of these principles includes:
1. How to use LEVERAGE
2. How to create RESIDUAL INCOME
3. How to make money work for you
4. How to convert your LIABILITIES into ASSETS

ROBERT KIYOSAKI says: All successful people have one thing in common - LEVERAGE (The power to earn more and more while working less and less, either by having people or money working for you.)

Imagine you own a system where 5000 people are working WITH you but you have a benefit of #100 profit from each of them everyday. That means you are making profit of #500,000 daily! #3,500,000 weekly!!
#14,000,000 monthly!!!

Yet all you are making is just #100 each from a multi connected system of 5000 people. THAT IS LEVERAGE!

If you want to earn more money and have more free time, you need to own a business that generates a leveraged passive income.

The GOOD NEWS is that the system I now introduce to you (CENTURY 21ST FREEDOM GROUP INT'L) has launched out that opportunity called the OWN YOUR LIFE CAMPAIGN, where a PLAN was created to help anybody interested in building a system that creates a LEVERAGED PASSIVE INCOME without requiring a lot of TIME, MONEY, EMPLOYEES OR EXPERTISE.

This has helped hundreds of people create part time to completely full time monthly income of over #500,000. We don't have employees, we don't pay salaries, no office politics, no product inventories, no compulsory selling, we have complete time freedom, we get to travel when we choose and work with our friends at any time. That is the meaning of owning your life... Living life based on your own terms!

Are you in ABUJA, KADUNA, BENIN, AUCHI, NASWARA, or any part of the country? To get enrolled for reservation into a briefing at any of C21FG offices, click APPLY

Attempt the questionnaire and fill the eligibility form. If you are lucky and selected, you will be contacted!


Like I said in cashpress secret 01, you don't need capital to START a business but VISION!

There was once a boy who desired to build the tallest skyscraper in his town. He told his dad about this and his dad told him to take away his focus from the tall building and focus on a block.

That boy was disappointed by the father's reply. A lot of persons are like that boy. They desire to build great dreams but aren't willing to get started with the smallest target of their dream's requirements.

As I journey through life, I've learned that to start a business from scratch, you need to become an incredible entrepreneur by learning how to turn zero(0) to a hundred(100).

To do this I learnt three(3) basic strategies.
1. OPM (Other People's Money)
2. OPT (Other People's Time)
3.  OPE (Other People's Energy

Instead of complaining about what you don't have, focus on getting it from those who have it (leverage.) What if you could get all the money, time and energy(brain power) to start am run a business/company from the people who have them.

This is not an excitement motivational. It is something I have been doing for a while now. If you can get everything you need from the people who have them, you won't complain that you failed to start your dream (business) because you didn't have money.

Here's a very important tip "You always get what you look for!" We live in a very toxic society where from listening to the environment, media, entertainment and even music, you are almost dead before you return home from daily activities. Hence, there's no one challenging you to doing the impossible.

To apply the three strategies effectively, study about human relations and how their brains work, negotiation & life principles. Napoleon hill said "There are too many resources in the world for those who know how to get it" but I earlier gave a tip and said "You always get what you look for" - This is because whatever you believe is possible is what you'll commit your time into learning to achieve.

Here's another tip: "The world needs PROOF!" A lot of persons keep saying they have several ideas and they want to start a business but no one helps them...

The question is: How have you proved that you believe in your vision? The saying that "Nobody cares about you" doesn't mean people don't love you but that every human being thinks about themselves first and you only come next (Who's the first person you looking for in a group photograph - yourself right?)

The truth is that you are the only person that can think about you first! So don't ever expect anyone to believe in you when you've not shown that you believe in yourself first.

NB: Watch 'Shark Tank show' to see the kinds of businesses sharks invest in. Here are some more TIPS:
1. SHARKS never invest in any idea except they perceive that the owner of the idea believes in his idea.
2. How they know you believe in your idea is that you have done something about it. You have started it in a little way, you have tested the market and have proof that people want your products.
NB: I can tell that you don't believe in your business idea when you do absolutely nothing about it.
3.You must have the courage to start in a small way. Study your industry and know what nobody else knows about that business idea. If you believe in your business idea, you will wake up every morning to do something about it. And when you fail, you never give up because you really believe that your business idea can change some lives.

4. Enthusiasm is contagious! When you believe in your business idea so strongly, you will have the power to make other people believe in it. And when other people believe in it, they will be willing to support you to accomplish the mission.

Now, remember the story I began with about the boy who wanted to build a skyscraper but didn't wanted to start with a single block. If you must be an incredible entrepreneur, you must understand the 'Everything starts from zero principle'. Entrepreneurship is not about turning 50 to 100 but turning 0 to 100.

To build a skyscraper (DREAM) you must first believe in that dream (that building it will make the world a better place!)

Then, draw out a plan. Go and buy your first block even if it means doing hard labor to raise that capital that gets you started. Then multiply it by making 1block into 2blocks and 2blocks into 4blocks and so on.

As you are building, keep on learning and achieving. Read books from those who are successful at what you do.

Learn about the subject an average man don't care about.
Learn about Human Psychology, Relation, Negotiation & Marketing.
Learn about human relationship & leadership.

If you don't know books you should read on these subjects, search google for any one of them.As you keep building, then try and persuade people to support your vision.

Your action is a sign that you have faith in yourself as people don't support nonexistent businesses (get your 100 blocks first before people can support you with 1000blocks.)

If you can't figure out how to labor hard to get 100 blocks on your own, nobody will get you the 100,000 blocks you need to get that tall building standing.

Of course, when you try to get the resources you need from others, you will be met with several rejections. Don't take it personal and don't assume no one wants to help you because someone out there is waiting for you.

The summary of this CASHPRESS is
"You always get what you sought for!"
If you think you are doomed because you lack capital to start a business, you have enough evidence to support that!

And if you believe that nothing in the world can stop you from building your dreams, being BROKE CANNOT STOP YOU!

Don't forget to SHARE!
In CASHPRESS SECRET 03, I will introduce to you a system you can leverage on and convert you liabilities into assets (WEALTH CREATION)

Until next time my dear, be legendary!

(Productive Value)

Your CV can only give you a JOB but your PV will give you a FORTUNE!
                    CASHPRESS SECRET 01

PV is the qualitative ability to create or enhance products & services that are necessary and relevant. While value is centered on your inherent abilities, PV is focused on a system that allows you to transform those abilities into products & services that are needed and useful in reality.

The end time strategy of Satan is to sit in the economic affairs and manipulate the saints into lack, poverty and by so doing get them distracted so that they do not have the time to prosper and serve the purposes of the kingdom. One of the weapons to bring economic victory and financial freedom is PV.

There are more graduates in Nigeria than any economy between now and the next twenty years can employ! If you are either a student, graduate or employee reading this right now, I don't mean to offend you but to inform you that ROBOTS are here to stay! And they keep replacing the jobs of human beings on a daily basis.

Right now, a masters degree is becoming the least qualification for a well paying job. About 12 000 people will apply for a job that needs only 80 persons. And so, if you are a fresh graduate now, imagine that between now till the next 14-15 years your struggles would be from job to job if you WILL NOT COMPROMISE.

This is the system of Babylon in the agenda of Satan to frustrate believers and force them to bow in one way or the other to the worldly system... But THERE'S A WAY OUT! It is unfortunate that technology and information has replaced men. Why should I employ 1000 persons when I need just 5 persons with 5 computers to do their job equivalent.

While there are no jobs for graduates, Satan is manipulating the economy to make sure that the cost of things go high so that whatever direction you come from as a Christian who refuses to compromise, you will be attacked. The average SALARY in the COUNTRY today is within 20-30 thousand naira (Taking my state as a case study.) The only salary above this range is federal government affiliated.

Now, frankly speaking, no matter how careful you are in life generally and in terms of savings, 20 thousand naira will not do you any good! No matter how stingy, scroungy and wicked you are in terms of spending, don't forget that you get paid 12times in a year but you spend 365days in that same year.

EVEN IF YOU ARE A THIEF, you will need more than that to steal! Calculate what you would need, you will buy weapons, masks and so on... So no matter how you go around it, you are still in trouble by default.

When you come from a family of two set of triplets and one set of twins (total of 10 persons) and you become a graduate who manages to get a Job of 20 thousand naira. And now, everybody is on you saying "we were there for you during your school days so remember us now that God has blessed you with a job"

CALM DOWN! 20 thousand naira divided by 10. Do the math and tell me honestly, why won't your prayer life be affected with such distractions? How will you be able to pray when you don't know when you will get the resources with which to get married with?

Marriage in Nigeria at any level is not cheap! No jokes... Now, remember even you being born again and filled with the spirit, the bills are capable of discouraging you as well as your partner especially in a toxic environment where even the musicians in the secular entertainment industry make sure they sing songs about how bad the country is and you are ALMOST DEAD before you get home to rest after the day's journey.

By the time this is happening even amidst believers, there is no resources because the members cannot bring in reasonable offerings and tithes. Meanwhile, there are several church projects and the man of God is compelled to invent schemes that will make him generate cashflow in am ungodly way simply to pay the bills...

Now, remember that he never planned to counterfeit God's plan, call and purpose for ministry but the pressure (rent of the auditorium, instruments, television ministry...) And so, from the bills to pay he is forced to invent his own theology and SPIRITUALIZE it. There are men and women that must consciously arise with opened eyes so that believers will not end up praying in tongues for nothing!

Don't get me wrong, I believe in MIRACLE ALERTS and have experienced it strategically but I tell you the truth, you cannot live on ALERTS. They are kingdomic systems of advantage. One of the SOLUTIONS to this is the SPIRIT of CREATIVITY & INNOVATION. Financial abundance grants you unfair advantages even in our world. The question now is that ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE NOW so that your kids will not have to go through the bad experiences you're going/went through?

SUCCESS & FAILURE comes at a PRICE! For Success, the price comes BEFORE and for failure, the price comes AFTER! The truth is that at she stage you are going to pay the price. "It's either you PAY NOW and play later or PLAY NOW and pay later!"
I HAVE A SOLUTION FOR YOU! In CASHPRESS SECRET 02, I will be revealing to you How to Start a Business From Scratch and in CASHPRESS SECRET 03, I will introduce to you AN ALREADY BUILT SYSTEM YOU CAN LEVERAGE ON FOR WEALTH CREATION...

Tʜᴇ ᴅɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ START ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ NEVER START ɪs COURAGE.

Tʜᴇ ᴅɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ PROGRESS ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ɪs CONSISTENCY.

Tʜᴇ ᴅɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ GIVE UP ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ GO ON ɪs PERSISTENCE.

Aɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ Rᴇᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴏғ COURAGE, CONSISTENCY, PERSISTENCE  and Discipline ɪs SUCCESS!.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Sunday 10 November 2019


A 10 year project run by the NGO, Century 21st Freedom group international, with the aim of empowering Nigerians to move above the poverty margin by enabling 500,000 selected Nigerians raise capital to finance their personal projects, start a new business or expand an existing business and also raise 50,000 Millionaires.

No collateral is needed to access the funds and the money generated is NOT a loan so a refund is not expected.
Learn the secrets of wealth creation from highly successful mentors.

Financial creation works with principles. follow the principles to enjoy financial freedom. our mentors will work closely with you till you attain complete financial freedom
enjoy bonus benefits of health and time freedom

What good is wealth without health? and how sweet is wealth without the time to enjoy it? Health and time freedom are some of the bonus benefits our selected partners stand to enjoy.


I needed about 1.5 million Naira to start my photography outlet. With this project, i have been able to raise much more than that. currently, the Photography business is up and running, i have also started a travel agency and the money just keeps coming. Thanks to the Financial Project.

Didi Nwala

I work as a nurse and was trying so hard to save up 2 million Naira to start my poultry farm but it was almost impossible. when i heard about the financial project Nigeria, i applied and was lucky to make the decision to become one of the partners. Today, my dream has come true and financial challenges is far gone


I worked in the bank for about a decade with nothing to show for it. I never understood freedom until i came across this project. They have shown me a better way to live out my full potentials. i resigned from my banking job to face my passion. I work when i want to work and the money i've raised so far is alarming. Don't let this opportunity pass you bye. Grab it and take advantage of it.

Vincent Nwosu


Who We Are
We are C21FG (Century 21st Freedom Group International.) A non-governmental organization made up of forward thinking individuals from different walks of life coming together to achieve the common goal of Financial Freedom, Health Freedom and Time freedom. This NGO has been set up to empower people through solving INCOME and CASH FLOW problems with the application of the PRINCIPLES OF WEALTH CREATION.

Our Vision


We believe that health is the first of all liberties, so we focus on the health of our members by partnering with manufacturers and distributors of top health products because we know that health is wealth.


Our definition of financial freedom is simple, we believe it’s the ability to live the lifestyle you desire without having to work or rely on anyone else for money.


We believe that when we achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM and HEALTH FREEDOM then TIME FREEDOM is already achieved because when you are healthy and you have all the money you need then you can do whatever you like with your TIME.

We are 479
Happy partners and counting

About Us

Our Mission

To provide the system, structure and support needed to enable our members achieve our vision.

Our Values

OUR PEOPLE ARE OUR ENDURING ADVANTAGE .The caliber and commitment of our members sets us apart, while we select and develop people for the long term ACCOUNTABILITY in a clear and professional process.

Group Behaviours

WE UNDERSTAND AND RESPECT OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS. Endlessly concerned with our member's needs and perceptions, we build lasting relationships based on trust, entrepreneurship and innovation in a changing world. OUR REPUTATION IS INDIVISIBLE Fair and ethical in all our dealings, our reputation relies on the actions and statements of every member.

Our Service Keeps you Happy

What We Do


Rather than working as an employee, be an entrepreneur and run your business at your convenience, time and pace. CFG will help you to be a business leader and innovator of new ideas and business processes.

Capacity Building and Development

AT CFG we are focused on understanding the obstacles that inhibit people, governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations from realizing their development goals and providing conceptual approaches to help attain social or personal development.

Wealth generation

Be your own boss, build wealth from the scratch and overcome all financial limitations. CFG’s team of dedicated and committed professionals is readily available to be with you every step of the way.
Career development

CFG will engage you in a lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure, and transitions in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future.
fully responsive

Why CFG?

As part of the Government plan to stabilize her economy, reduce unemployment rate and provide quality living for her citizens, CFG is aimed at contributing hugely in achieving this feat. Taking into cognizance Goldman Sach’s 2020 projection of the N-11 countries which Nigeria is a part of (To be major world economic players/contributors), CFG seeks to raise vibrant entrepreneurs that will be strategically positioned for the economic growth and stability of Nigeria now and in the near future. This is what it means to own your life.
Join Us Today! To get your ELIGIBILITY FORM.

 The OWN YOUR LIFE CAMPAIGN Is a global BUSINESS campaign that enables people who are interested to generate CASH to finance their personal business/projects without paying interest rates or dropping collateral and you don't have to pay the money back.

    Entrepreneur. Mentor. Consult
    Your dream vacation is just
    one click away

    Join a team of vibrant CFG entrepreneurs
    and be a part of the next generation shapers.

Partnership Form
Eligibility Form
Watch our referral video

Business driven team

Mr. Mike Okoli

Never take permission from your circumstances nor situations when you are about to make your decisions!
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that.

Mr. Obianefo Esimai

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that.

Mr. Festus Onwuaso

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.

Mr. Vincent Nwosu

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that.

Dr. Victor Abalson

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that.

From our happy Members

My CFG experience has been awesome; I don’t just have control over my time and money but have received a total life and career transformation. (Uche Nwosu)

Susan Ade
star rating

CFG means more money and more contacts, which for me are the perfect levers to drive any business to zenith. (Kechukwu Madueke)

Mr. John E.
star rating

‘Own your life’ has provided me and my business unique value. I can now multitask at my convenience and pace. CFG International is just the perfect levitator. (Didi Nwala)

Christian Chukwu
star rating

Open for you
We're here

Address: Suite 8, Shalom Plaza, Beside NNPC Filling Station, Gudu, Abuja

Phone: +234-9021784079, +234-7067376723


With propositions
Contact Us